Assessment Timeline

The Assessment Timeline metrics shows the process the assessment will follow, as well as the current progress. The Assessment Timeline phases include:

Assessment Timeline

  • Kick off
  • Planning and Coordination
  • Analysis and Testing
  • Validation and Reporting
  • Delivery and Presentation
  • Note: Hover over the icon to see the progress percentage of each phase.

The phases include the following statuses:

  • Completed
  • Active
    • Note: The Active status is presented in red, yellow or green color depending on the track status.
  • Pending

Also, the Assessment Timeline metrics includes the following sections:

  • Document Request—shows the date by which all documents need to be uploaded and the percentage of requested documents that have already been uploaded.
  • Technical Control Survey—shows the date by which the technical control survey(s) need to be completed, as well as the percentage that have already been completed.

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