IoMT Dashboard Tab

The Dashboard tab is view-only and contains the following metrics:
IoMT Dashboard Tab

  • Medical Devices—shows the number of devices that are categorized as medical devices, as well as the number of those devices which are classified as high risk.
  • IT Devices—shows the number of devices that are categorized as IT devices, as well as the number of those devices which are classified as high risk.
  • IoT Devices—shows the number of devices that are categorized as IoT devices, as well as the number of those devices which are classified as high risk.
  • New Inventory—shows the number of new devices that have been detected for the las seven days, as well as the number of those devices which are classified as high risk.
  • Inventory—shows the total number of devices that have been discovered, as well as the number of those devices which are classified as high risk.
  • Top 10 High Risk Medical Device Types—shows the top 10 medical device types by the count of high-risk devices.
  • Top 5 Vulnerabilities—shows vulnerabilities, which are related to a particular medical device in the Vulnerability and Medical Devices columns.
  • Top Alarm Types by Volume—shows the top 5 alarm types by volume that have been received in the last 30 days.
  • Note: To get the data from the IoMT dashboard in .pdf format, in the upper-left corner of the page, select the Generate report button. You will get the notification once the report is available for you to download.

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